Contrary to popular belief the best way to spread Christmas cheer is NOT singing loud for all to hear.. it’s making festive cocktails to share! One of my favorite holiday traditions over the years has always been drinking eggnog, and it’s even better served as a martini.

I’ve got an EXTRA festive version of an eggnog martini for you using my favorite holiday spirit: Hard Truth Cinnamon Vodka.

Eggnog Martini with Hard Truth Cinnamon Vodka


Ingredients (makes two martinis)

  • 6 oz. eggnog
  • 2 oz. Hard Truth Cinnamon Vodka
  • 1 oz. amaretto
  • Caramel syrup
  • Brown sugar
  • Cinnamon/cinnamon sticks for garnish


  1. Dip the martini glass rim in caramel syrup then in brown sugar. Place in freezer for a moment.
  2. Add eggnog, vodka and amaretto to a shaker and shake with ice
  3. Pour into two martini glasses and garnish with a cinnamon stick
  4. Enjoy!

Related: Snowball Cocktail with Hard Truth Toasted Coconut Rum

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